Re: Vsoup question

From: Hardy Griech (
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 08:57:47 +0100

On Wed, 26 Feb 1997 20:04:30 -0600, (Michael Gray) wrote:
> stsmail.msg generated by the send. Is there a way to append the
> stsmail to an existing file? I could use a different directory and
> generate a separate message series, but all these vsoup messages in
> my inbox look alike and I'd like to keep the number to a minimum.

- there is no way to append StsMail

- you should use a separate directory for transmit & receive, or
either you have to do an import between the two calls of VSoup

- you should get VSoup1.2.7 which adds the name of the used servers
to the Subject:-header, thus allowing it to distinguish between the
different modi. Also it adds a Date:-header, which allows
filtering of the StsMail.Msg to a pseudo newsgroup (with all its


PS: for recent additions between 1.2.5 and 1.2.7 check (but be warned:
it's a large page)

Hardy Griech, Ernetstr. 10/1, D-77933 Lahr