

In a previous life I ran MAVerick Consultants, a design, editing and writing business. With Jean Cooper, MAVerick has also done website design. For the insatiably curious, my C.V. is online.

I'm a proud member of the Jurassic Dykes and a Mixed race woman who is equally comfortable listening to calypso or bagpipes, and drinking rum or scotch (though I must admit to preferring roti, calaloo and souse to haggis). My partner and I have a bouncing puppy dog named Loco. In my (not-so) spare time I obsess about "subtext" in Xena and while away the hours reading fiction about her. I also have a tendency towards dwarfish manifestations in RPGs.

I'm a member of OUTlaw, the lesbian and gay law student group at the University of Ottawa and will continue to be for a couple more years if I get accepted to do my LL.M. there. That and most of the other peculiar things in my life can be explained by the fact that my parents are librarians.

Strangely enough, the name "Vespry" can be found several places on the net, some of which suprised me.

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